Free Facebook Traffic Strategies

Facebook Groups are an excellent way for you to generate some free traffic. You just have to know what to do and what not to do. No matter what niche you are in it is likely that there will be a number of Facebook Groups related to it. By participating in these groups you can also grow your own audience.

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How To Get Free Traffic From Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups are an excellent way for you to generate some free traffic. You just have to know what to do and what not to do. No matter what niche you are in it is likely that there will be a number of Facebook Groups related to it. By participating in these groups you can also grow your own audience.
Identify the right Groups
To find groups that are related to your niche all you have to do is to use the search facility in Facebook. First think about the keywords that best describe your niche. So if you are in the weight loss niche you might come up with:
* Weight loss
* Burn fat
* Diets
* Nutrition
* Exercise
* Diet programs
You can go sub-niche as well if that suits you. Examples of this could be “weight loss for women”, “weight loss for men over 50” and “losing belly fat”. Do your homework here and come up with as many keywords as you can.
Find Active Groups
You do not want to join a group that is “dead” as this will be a waste of your time. So look for active groups that have a lot of members. Sometimes you will need to apply to join a group to see what is really going on.
When the search results come back try and identify 5 to 10 good groups and apply to join them all. The best groups are closed and you want to avoid open groups as these tend to receive a lot of spam. Once you are a member have a good look around the group to see how active it is.
Be sure to read the rules of the group before you spend any time in them. Most groups will allow links to external websites in posts but there are some that won’t.
Provide Value in the beginning
Don’t just dive in with promotional messages when you first join a group. Members are going to think that you are a spammer and you will be kicked out fast. A good post to start with is one introducing yourself. Tell people who you are and what you stand for. You can tell them about your Facebook Page and your website in this post.
It is very likely that a lot of existing group members will respond to your intro post and welcome you to the group. Be sure to thank them for all of their comments. Interaction is really important.
Check for Promo Days
Quite a number of groups on Facebook have “promo days”. These are special days where you can openly promote your business and your offers to other group members. If you have joined several groups then we recommend that you make a note of these promo days in a calendar or spreadsheet so that you can take advantage of them.
Repurpose your existing Content
You need to make posts on other days as well as it will not be appreciated if you are just active on promo days. So you can use content that you have already published on your website that adds value to the group.
Making posts of value will increase your credibility and influence within the group. You want other members to see you as an authority in the niche. They will then check out your Facebook Page and your website to find out more about you.


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